_Vancouver's First & ONLY Certified Organic BreweryAdd subheading (1)
At Dogwood Brewing, we strive to make the best beer possible with the best local ingredients.


We are dedicated to creating delicious beer. 

Our vision is to create an impact in the beer market, supporting local producers, and delivering organic (and vegan) beer, with the most delicious flavors.


Here are some of the many initiatives we have taken at Dogwood towards sustainable beer: 

  • We buy the best local ingredients from the best local Growers and producers. Gambrinus Malting in Armstrong and HooH hops in Lillooet.
  • The hops and Salmon Safe hops grown by the Harvesters of Organic Hops (HOOH) in Lillooet.
  • We ensure that our beer is vegan by using only vegan fining agents (which are used to help clarify the beer) instead of finings made from animals products Which in turn means No Preservatives.


Dogwood’s ingredients are sourced within 350 miles from the brewery. The hops come from Harvesters of Organic Hops (HOOH) based in Lillooet and the malt is sourced from Gambrinus Malting in Armstrong BC. Dogwood Brewing maintains a great relationship with suppliers who believe in and support organic initiatives.


HOOH puts all its hops in one organic basket. With a committed network of exclusively organic hop farms throughout the region, they bring to the organic brewing world tens of thousands of kilograms of fresh, fragrant, and pure organic hops that will keep you coming back for more.


Gambrinus prides themselves on meeting strict specifications and consistently maintaining the standards of quality that customers have come to expect.

They combine a European-influenced malting approach with the finest barley and wheat from North America to produce malts of outstanding flavour and quality, which integrate seamlessly with our brewing process.